- I know my job backwards .
- 我非常了解我的工作。
- You 've read that book so many times you must know it backwards by now !
- 那本书你读了很多遍,现在一定能倒背如流了!
- They know the whole tale backwards .
- 整个故事他们熟得都可以倒背了。
- You 've read that book so many times ; you must know it backwards by now .
- 那本书你读了很多遍,现在一定能倒背如流了!
- You know maybe I have this completely backwards .
- 你知道,也许我完全误解了。
- Treat it as material for a test you 'll take and get to know it backwards and forwards .
- 把这当作一次测试,你就可以更好的了解来龙去脉。
- Every actor ought to know his lines backwards before he goes on stage as nervous .
- 每个演员上台演出之前应该把台词背得滚瓜烂熟,因为紧张可能使他易忘。
- You know what happens if you play a country song backwards ?
- 如果你弹一首乡村音乐,你知道会发生什么?
- They see their collecting as a highly creative activity and know their subjects backwards .
- 他们将他们的收藏视为高创造性活动,知晓它们背后的学问。
- European diplomats who know the directive backwards complain about british lobbyists treating them as idiots .
- 欧洲了解此项指令的外交官们都抱怨说英国的游说者把他们当做“傻瓜”。